Atlas Line on-line solutions

Thanks to the Atlas Line software solutions we offer trouble free accessible IT facilities available for our agents compatible with the Chinese MoT rules and regulations.

Failing to use MoT registered house bills of lading can have important legal and financial implications and the risk your shipment is arrested, confiscated or blocked by the concerned authorities is possible.

MoT registration since 15.01.2014

On February 15, 2014 the Chinese Ministry of Transport (MoT) imposed new rules and regulations on the registration on NVOCC’s and the creation of house bills of lading when moving shipments from Chinese ports.

In order to comply with these new rules from the Chinese MoT, NVOCC’s were required to arrange proper registration enabling them to negotiate proper rates with cargo owners.

Why do I need MoT registration?

Many believe that this registration with the Chinese MoT is necessary only when house bills of lading are issued in the People’  Republic of China. The fact is that all NVOCC’s trading to and from the P.R.C. are required to file their bills of lading with the MoT or else the concerned NVOCC is operating  illegal. Unregistered NVOCC may implicate their agents who issue the unregistered house bills of lading in China.

Atlas Line – MoT registration details

Chinese Ministry of Transport registration number   :  SMTC-NV 01712

Contact us now

Should your have any questions with regards to Atlas Line’s services and benefits, please do not hesitate to use the contact form below to send us your question. A representative of Atlas Line will get back to you shortly.